'Vampire Diaries' Season 4 Spoilers: Damon & Lexi Backstory Details Revealed, VIDEO
CW's Vampire Diaries will return with an all-new episode on Thursday night. While initial details on the popular series have already been released, additional spoilers for the respective installment have come up.
Only this time they were given by actor Ian Somerhalder, who plays the part of Damon.
The 34-year-old recently sat down with Entertainment Weekly and shared some more dirt about Damon and Lexi's (Arielle Kebbel) time together in the 1970s.
"It's so cool because you get to experience so many times in Damon's life. Now mind you, because there were so many decades, I think he evolved slower than most. I also love that because we go back and romanticize the social happenings of that time, we're really reminded of The United States' deep history and what Damon lived through is just a drop in the bucket compared to other characters, who can go back thousands of years."
Somerhalder also revealed that the upcoming installment, which takes place in New York City, will add more clarification to Damon's checkered past with Lexi, and just how shocked she was at Damon's changing ways.
"I think if you go back to that episode after seeing next week's, the look of betrayal on her face, the shock of it all, is recontextualized."
The episode will also feature Caroline (Candice Accola) and Klaus (Joseph Morgan) having another unfriendly conversation, as she's seen doing some cleaning when he abruptly appears to engage in some chit chat.
However, Caroline is still visibly upset that Klaus drove Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) out of Mystic Falls for good. To top it off, she has no qualms about letting Klaus know of her strong dislike for him.
Stefan (Paul Wesley) will reveal that he's the one who invited Klaus over because he feels that Silas is in town.
The Vampire Diaries will be airing the respective episode, which is titled Because The Night, on Thursday, March 21 at 8 p.m. EDT on the CW network.
CLICK HERE to read previous details posted on the respective episode. An extended promo of the episode can be viewed below.