To the excitement of many, AMC's Mad Men season six is finally close to returning on April 7.

However, fans may have to wrap their head around a new Pete in the future installment. Although he was vague initially, actor Vincent Kartheiser did touch on his character's future development during an interview with On The Red Carpet.

"Trouble is caused. I can't say who causes it, I can't say when they cause it, and I can't say who they cause it upon. But trouble is caused," he revealed.

When the female reporter admitted loving to hate Pete, Kartheiser went on to hint that her feelings for his character could change soon. He said, "Maybe you'll love to love Pete Campbell."

The reporter then said while she did love Pete, she thinks he is a "sonofagun." Vince agreed and responded, "The world needs sonofaguns, or else what would the heroes do? What would they fix?"

Wet Paint noted that Pete could very well be a strong antihero but often seems closer to being a villain. Unlike Don Draper (Jon Hamm), his character takes a lot more heat for his shadiness.

In a AMC clip that was recently posted, showrunner Matt Weiner addressed the upcoming season of the show by saying that people would enjoy it because it's "a real journey into learning about Don and it's very much a reflection of the period that we chose."

Since the Mad Men executives have managed to remain relatively discreet on any spoilers, the biggest hint has came through season six poster artwork by Brian Sanders, which is "as packed with imagery as Michelangelo's The Last Judgement - at least by basic-cable standards," reported The Atlantic Wire.

Esquire speculated that the Draper promo image may insinuate that he's actually Dick Whitman since the latter stole Draper's identity during the Korean War.

Mad Men is set to return on Sunday, April 7, at 9 p.m. EDT on the AMC network.

Mad Men