Friday the 13th seems like the perfect release date for the remake of one of the FPS genre's most iconic titles, the demon-bashing, blood-splattering Doom. Since the game was introduced way back in 1993, Doom has already won the hearts of a whole generation of gamers. Now, with the reboot going on sale for the Xbox One, PS4 and the PC, fans are beginning to rediscover just what makes Doom, well, Doom.

While it is no secret that the FPS genre was defined by titles like Doom back in the 90's, creating a worthy reboot for the title that started it all was a monumental task. Couple that with the fact that Id, the original developer of the 1993 game, is a ghost of its former self, and the remake has a number of mountains to conquer.

With the game going on sale on Friday, however, gamers were quick to realize that the remake was, in a lot of ways, a labor of love. Indeed, from the numerous gameplay videos posted on YouTube just hours after the game was released, one could immediately sense that the game was able to achieve what it set out to do. Doom is back, and it is updated for the current gaming generation.

Though some aspects of the game were changed and updated for the day's newer consoles, much of what made the game so iconic, including strategies against enemies, remained quite the same. In this regard, one has to give a hand to Bethesda for managing the monumental task of balancing what was old with what is new.

One thing that definitely is notable with the Doom remake though, is its graphics. Back when Doom was released for the PC in 1993, players were quick to point out that a lot of the enemies actually looked very menacing. True to form, the remake transposed these nightmare fuel creatures very well, too, with creature designs updated to take advantage of the graphical capabilities of the day's console generation.

And oh, the graphics are intricate. In fact, numerous Doom aficionados, feeling nostalgic about the elements found in the new game, remarked that the remake is actually beautiful, despite the game being so gory that the player could literally create a river of blood from the game's enemies.

Overall, Doom is an FPS title that is so well done and balanced, it would not be any surprise if becomes the title to beat when the game of the year is to be selected.

XBox One, Ps4, PC