CW's The Vampire Diaries now has less than two weeks until its return to television. Fortunately for the fans who can't wait any longer, new information has indeed surfaced for its backdoor pilot, which is titled The Originals.

The CW network recently posted some new pictures pertaining the upcoming episode.

One of the photos shows Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin), who is a werewolf, searching the New Orleans area for Rebekah (Claire Holt) as well as any clues on her family history.

The respective installment will serve as a launching pad for its Originals spin-off series. Rebekah, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies), who are the main cast members in the franchise's newest project, will be featured with some new characters, which include some witches and other vampires, according to Hollywood Hills.

The site also reported that Morgan came clean that the program will have a battle between two different species.

The Vampire Diaries will be airing its Originals episode on Thursday, April 25 at 8 p.m. EDT. However, its latest installment, titled Pictures of You will be on TV's on April 18 at the same time. An extended promo trailer for the episode can be viewed below.

The vampire diaries, The cw, The Originals