A photograph posted on Twitter reveals an individual atop a roof directly overlooking one of the explosions that occurred at the Boston Marathon on Monday, which resulted in the deaths of three people and over140 injuries.

According to Daily Mail, the picture of the unknown individual was posted on the Internet soon after the terrorist attack occurred, and has raised suspicion that it may be the person behind the tragedy that was watching.

The New York Post reported that the 20-year-old Saudi man was detained at a Boston hospital following the bombings.

Fox News stated that the male suspect had severe burns on his body. He was taken into custody less than two hours after the 3pm explosions occurred.

However, it's still uncertain at this time whether the individual was associated with the bombings.

According to Mercury News, Roupen Bastajian, 35, a state trooper, had just finished the race when he heard one of the disturbing blast.

"I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor. We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. ... At least 25 to 30 people have at least one leg missing, or two legs missing," he said.

Huge amounts of smoke could be seen coming from the Marathon Sports store and marathon officials were seen pulling metal railings that were piled on the ground to free some trapped people.

Shortly after the tragic event, police were deployed to major landmarks in other large cities across the U.S. including New York City, as fears of a possible terrorist attack emerged.

Boston Marathon Bombing