Game of Thrones is never shy about killing off major characters, and loves to do so in their final two episodes each season, and it seems pretty clear that the season six finale will be no different due to one action that has been strongly hinted at-the release of wildfire throughout King's Landing.

Wildfire has not been seen, used or even mentioned on the show since the Battle of the Blackwater in season two, but in season six, it has been hinted at by Cersei (Lena Headey) and Qyburn (Anton Lesser), outwardly referenced by Tyrion (Peter Dinklage), and seen in one of Bran's (Isaac Hampstead Wright) visions. It seems to certainly be in place to be used in the final episode of season six, with Cersei and Qyburn aware of where it is, and with her trial, in addition to the one for Loras (Finn Jones), set to occur, it seems very likely she will unleash the wildfire.

And with a season which already saw the deaths of all of the Martells and Boltons, as well as other characters like Balon Greyjoy, Osha, The Three-Eyed Raven, Hodor, and Rickon Stark, the ones who will perish when she does it will be big characters.

So who would probably die because of her actions? Here are our six picks for those likely to die in the season six finale.

The High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce)

Naturally the first person who will likely feel the wrath of Cersei's rage will be the man who arrested her, forced her to walk through the streets of King's Landing naked and covered and shit, took away her chance for a trial by combat, and convinced her son to turn against her by joining the faith.

Septa Unella

Similarly, the woman who tortured her to "confess" and then followed her through the streets ringing a bell and chanting the word "Shame" over and over again is also high on the list and will likely perish.

Lancel Lannister

The same cousin who confessed his own sinful sexual congress with Cersei, which set in motion her whole trial to begin with, will likely also die.

Tommen Baratheon

This death will be the one that hurts Cersei, but will be necessary. She won't intend to kill her son, her sole remaining child, but based on the prophecy that all of her children would die, it seems likely that her last remaining one would die when she unleashes a chemical killing agent on the city.

Margaery Tyrell

Cersei would love nothing more than to take out the woman who married her son, and though a part of her may have gotten a little more sympathetic for her after she too was locked up by the High Sparrow, the fact that she got Tommen to join with the Faith put her back on Cersei's list.

Loras Tyrell

Cersei likely doesn't care about Loras' fate at all, and he'll just be an unfortunate casualty.

The Game of Thrones Season 6 finale airs Sunday, June 26 at 9 p.m. on HBO.

Who Will Die On The 'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Finale?

Game of Thrones, Hbo, Television