Two years ago, Tik Tok singer Ke$ha convinced her brother to start filming her life. What came out of the footage has been created into MTV's newest reality show, Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life.

According to USA Today, Lagan Sebert was working for a news outlet when the pop star tagged her filmmaker brother to work on her latest idea, filming her life. With no plans for what would actually become of the work, the pair began to film everything - from performances to the star's beard obsession.

"Because it was my brother filming, there was no wall, no barrier, it was real and raw; just everything from breakdowns to triumphs and make outs and mornings after, just everything," Ke$ha said according to MTV. "I couldn't bullsh-- the camera, there was no acting, no faking, there was no story, there was just my brother filming my life."

The program, which airs tonight at 11 p.m. EST on MTV, will show just how crazy the life of the glitter covered 26-year-old singer can be- think drinking her own urine - to how beautiful it gets when you find out your music has empowered people to overcome bullying, reports USA Today.

"What you get in the show is real; it's not scripted or ... thought out at all. It's just my life. It's very real and honest," Ke$ha told MTV.

Which leaves viewers wondering, with such an in depth recording of her life, just how weird the show will get.

Ke$ha, MTV