While one Big Brother nominee has accepted that he is going home, it's looking like he'll be staying in the house after all.

Head of Household: Victor Arroyo

Nominees: James Huling and Natalie Negrotti

Other houseguests: Corey Brooks, Nicole Franzel and Paul Abrahamian

After Victor nominated James and Natalie for eviction on Friday, there was some talk among the "Final 4" alliance, a.k.a. Corey, Nicole, Paul and Victor, about which person to evict. Of course, this all depended on who won the Power of Veto competition, which was played on Saturday. Thankfully for the "Final 4", Corey wound up winning, and he intends to keep the nominations the same.

While Victor initially argued that James should be evicted this week, Corey, Nicole and Paul all fought him on this, saying Natalie was a stronger competition threat between the two of them. Victor eventually acquiesced. As if often the case with a majority alliance, they started to look for meaningless reasons to justify evicting someone - in this case Natalie. Nicole, Corey and Paul discussed the blow-up doll that flew over the house recently and how this was somehow a message from America to get Natalie out.

Meanwhile, James has been talking for days about how he'll be evicted this week. Natalie has now started saying the same thing, but both of them have been trying to assure the other that they are safe.

It remains to be seen if the eviction target will change as there's still a few days to go before Thursday's eviction. Corey, Nicole and Paul seem pretty dead-set on voting out Natalie, but considering the paranoia going on in the house, one conversation can change everything.

Big Brother 18 airs another new episode Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS