On Sunday, AMC's hit show Mad Men will be airing an all-new episode titled, For Immediate Release. However, one of the hottest topics thus far has been the chatter that's been circulating around the potential suicide of Pete Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser).

Although creator Matt Weiner has rebuked the rumors surrounding Pete's potential death, he did recently give his thoughts to the The Daily Beast about them.

"I know the character of Pete very well and I don't see Peter Campbell as someone who would ever commit suicide. He is very judgemental about mental illness."

While conducting an interview with Vulture on April 3, Kartheiser addressed the suicide chatter regarding his character.

"Matt has said definitely that Pete would not be committing suicide this season. What do you think about that? That means he probably will be committing suicide this season. I'm saying if Matt gives you a spoiler, there's probably a reason," he said.

The hoopla surrounding Pete aside, Weiner spoke to NPR on April 25 about the story arc for the current season, and how the time period plays into it.

"This was what it was about for me. Let's get to the destruction. Let's get to the loss. Let's ... express the idea that people want to change, and change is afoot. Because as far as I can tell, 1968 is a year about change, about revolution, about violence, about people turning inwards as community breaks down."

AMC's Mad Men will be airing its next episode on Sunday, May 5 at 9 p.m. EDT.

Mad Men, Television, AMC