Is it UFO or just an imagination of man as sightings of undetermined objects flying around still exist
In the vast expanse of Milky Way and the whole galaxy, one cannot help but wonder if there are other beings living on their own kind of atmosphere. Ordinary citizens don't have the technology to find that out but eyes do not deceive, as millions of witnesses all over the world have seen the extraordinary. If the evidence can be proven or have already been proven, experts on this have no other way but to hide the truth to the public to avoid fear and mass anxiety.
A recent example of a UFO sighting occurred in Lima, Peru by Mobile & Apps, as onlookers focused on an alleged alien spacecraft which looks like a falling object that seems to be burning. UFO enthusiasts can't help but conclude that the object falling over the highlands of Peru was indeed extraterrestrial. But like all the other clippings and documentaries concerning them, aliens are not entirely a confirmed issue.
Another sighting occurred during the Supermoon event last November 13,as International Business Times reports that of two black objects flying in high speed, obviously catching the attention of the video taker and avid UFO fans. The object seems to be on a course across the moon traveling at a high speed which appeared near the end of the video taking, collecting doubts and confusion as to what it can be. But as always, these sightings cannot be justified and instead concluded to be just birds or Google's balloon flying, even the one in Peru was treated the same verdict.
If Earth is the only planet with living things, then there is should be no competition or even a threat as there will be no one or nothing to stop or hinder the activities here. The only true enemy will be from each other's differences in culture and languages, hopefully, this should not be tolerated because, despite the contrasts, there should be unity for being an inhabitant of this seemingly lone living planet.