In the finale of its fourth season, Fox's hit TV series Glee featured a guest appearance by American Idol standout Jessica Sanchez, as she made her presence known to McKinley High School with her role as Frida Romero.

Although Sanchez's character's rendition of Zedd's Clarity was indeed well received, there has been no confirmation on whether she'll return in its upcoming fifth installment.

In a recent interview with Give Me My Remote, Sanchez stated that she'd enjoyed her stint on the popular program, and that she does has a passion and aspirations for acting in the future.

"The cast was amazing - I love acting and I would love to do it in the future, so Ryan Murphy please hit me up!"

Being that her Hoosierdaddies squad is now off the creative team's radar, a return seems rather unlikely. Since a slew of the cast will be graduating in the fall, it's difficult to project where the show plans to go from hereon.

Although no airdate has yet to be set in stone, Season 5 of Glee is slated to re-launch this upcoming fall.

Keep checking back for more of the latest details on the Fox hit TV series. Sanchez's interview can be viewed below.

Glee, Fox, Television