Japanese manga series One Piece is set to move into the spinoff territory as Year of Sanji has come to an end. A series focusing on Portgas D. Ace has been announced and it looks like the spinoff would be quite a treat.

One Piece has enjoyed immense popularity among fans but as the Year of Sanji comes to an end, there is some another character and his story that will take Sanji's place, reports ComicBook. Weekly Shonen Jump has grand plans to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the manga series and it has said that plans are afoot to develop a magazine that focuses on Ace.

It also confirmed that One Piece kabuki play would make a comeback, reports CrunchyRoll. However, fans are more excited about Ace's story despite the fact that no related details have come out. Notably, Ace is Luffy's elder brother and is also known as "Fire Fist." He was the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and sacrificed his life for Luffy to save him from marine Akainu.

It was Ace's sacrifice that acted as the motivator for Luffy and he trained hard to become the Pirate King. One Piece has made references to Ace throughout the series; in the manga as well as anime. So, readers and viewers know him a good deal and having heard about his bravery, they would surely look forward to exploring him in detail.

In related news, Chapter 853 will see Sanji and Luffy leaving the Whole Cake Island along with the Straw Hat Pirates. Nevertheless, it would not be easy for Sanji as he finds it tough to leave his sister Reiju behind. As for Reiju, she has convinced her brother to leave and also narrated a story from their childhood telling him that his survival is all that matters.

She tells him that he will never meet a group like the Straw Hat Pirates. In the meantime, Luffy, who has escaped from the Prison Library, locates Sanji and Reiju talking together. He rescues the former and also drags the latter along with them. Reiju is surprised at this sudden turn of events and it remains to be seen if she will follow the plan.

One Piece C chapter 853 is slated to release on January 30.