"Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 is one of the highly-anticipated anime series to be released this year. However, fans of the anime series are reportedly not having a pleasant time waiting as cancellation news and production difficulties haunt the project.

According to Stars Post, fans and followers of "Tokyo Ghoul" had to endure several cancellation issues, one of which happened when the production studios for the series had to transfer from Madhouse to Pierrot. The said transfer of production studios was one of the reasons why the development of the anime series got delayed.

From the name itself, "Tokyo Ghoul" follows the journey of Kaneki Ken, a survivor of a ghoul attack and ended up being a half-human, half-ghoul. The anime series is set in a modern era and entertains the viewers with the adventures and struggles of Kaneki Ken as he tries to find a common ground and harmony among the ghouls and humans.

Fans were brokenhearted with the ending of Season 2 as Kaneki is seen holding his dead best friend while marching in a funeral parade. The tragic ending of the series was a poignant point of discussion for the fans as different "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 spoilers and predictions surfaced. Some predict that Hide is not really dead and will be returning to season 3 either as a spirit or a half-human, half-ghoul hybrid like Kaneki Ken.

Another "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 spoiler reveals that a new character by the name of Haise Sasaki will be part of the new season. However, according to Vine Report, Haise and Kaneki are actually one entity. Haise Sasaki came to life when Kaneki's memories were erased after a grueling battle with Arima. As of writing, "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 air date remains to be announced although it was initially slated to be released by summer 2017.

Tokyo ghoul, Tokyo ghoul season 3, Tokyo ghoul season 3 news