The latest Falling Skies trailer may catch viewers unaware.

While commercials play during a break on TNT, viewers are tricked into believing they are watching a contact commercial. However, the ad quickly takes a gruesome turn.

The woman on screen happily goes about trying on her knew Clear Gaze contact lenses in the bright, clean interior of her bathroom. However, things soon go horribly wrong as blood starts dripping from her eye into the sink. The dirty, bloody, post apocalyptic setting of Falling Skies finds snakes its way inside the ad's perfect world and the woman drops to the ground as an eye worm crawls out the corner of her eye and into her ear.

Disconcerting? Yes. Attention grabbing? Definitely.

TNT's sci-fi adventure has made this unsettling dichotomy a tradition for the series season 3 promos. The shows extended trailer set the terrifying and deadly scenario of alien invasion and human decimation to soothing piano music, making fans wonder what exactly is in store for the 2nd Massachusetts and Tom Mason (Noah Wyle).

Season 3 is set to begin seven months after viewers last parted with the 2 nd Mass in Charleston, S.C. Meanwhile, showrunner Remi Aubuchon entices fans with the prospect of new aliens (called the Volm, according to Spinoff) and the continued fight for humanity to retake their home.

Falling skies