"One Punch Man" is a massively popular anime series published by Madhouse entertainment, and it is getting a second season. "One Punch Man" Season 2 is rumored to be released in mid-April 2017, thereby setting high expectations amidst fans who are waiting eagerly for the anime.

"One Punch Man" has been critically acclaimed for its art and animation style, which involves highly animated action sequences and equally good comedy scenes, making this anime come out into mainstream popularity, according to AnimeNewsNetwork. "One Punch Man" Season 2 brings forth a myriad of new things and is sure to keep fans glued to their TV screens.

Saitama, the Hero of "One Punch Man," is rumored to be facing two new enemies in "One Punch Man" Season 2. These enemies are reported to be as strong or even stronger than Saitama. One of the new enemies will figure out Saitama's secret and make his life a living hell for him. The second enemy is reported to be stronger than Saitama and has the power to kill him.

According to the report, Amai Mask is one of those villains, while the other villain being Metal Knight. Amai Mask is rumored to be the one who finds out Saitama's secret to his limitless power in his punches. As for Metal Knight, he is a member of Hero Association and a questionable character. Primarily seen as an inventor, Metal Knight is rarely seen joining the fight. It can be assured that "One Punch Man" Season 2 will be as action-packed as ever.

Another recent "One Punch Man" Season 2 update suggests that Saitama would be looking different in the second season and his yellow suit complete with its white cape will pave way for a brand new Hero uniform. One of the main characteristics of Saitama is his bald head, and this time around he is rumored to be portrayed with hair on his head.

Fans cannot wait for "One Punch Man" Season 2, which is scheduled to release mid-April or May 2017.

One punch man season 2, One punch man season 2 news, One punch man season 2 rumors, Madhouse studios