"The Simpsons" is one of the longest running animated series in the world and its popularity seems to be staying strong despite of the existence of new animated shows. The victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. Presidential elections has opened a controversial void in the country. However, eagle-eyed, diehard fans of "The Simpsons" noticed something relevant and eerily prophetic one episode revealed in relation to the victory of the newly elected POTUS.

According to Digital Spy, a certain "The Simpsons" episode aired a few years ago was the center of a short-lived internet buzz when people started noticing that the long-time running animated series eerily predicted Trump's win. The said prophetic episode, entitled "Bart To The Future," featured Donald Trump winning the presidential election was aired in 2000 - a whooping 17 years ago. Lisa had won the presidential race in the said episode and was seen complaining about the current status of the country, following Donald Trump's previous presidency.

However, this is not actually the first time that "The Simpsons" seemed to have predicted a significant event that actually happened in the present time. In fact, there were several celebrity deaths that have been aired in episodes long before it actually happened. Perhaps the most recent "The Simpsons" prediction aside from Donald Trump actually winning the election, was Lady Gaga's performance in the Superbowl Halftime Show.

Of course, people wanted to know how the writers of the highly-sensationalized "The Simpsons" episode came up with the plot and concept envisioning Donald Trump as POTUS. Mike Reiss, one of the writers of the show, sat down for an interview with Variety and explained how that fated episode came to be.

According to Variety, Mike Reiss and the rest of the writers innocently came up with the idea as a joke. He downplayed allegations that they are actually fortune tellers who have been injecting their predictions in "The Simpsons" episodes. "We are not that predictive. Trump is just one of those special cases: 16 years ago we were thinking: 'What's the dumbest thing America could do, and then they did it!'"

Donald trump, The simpsons