The Emmys are a few months away and Family Guy wants to make sure the voters notice them.

While the show has a history of producing memorable, slightly inappropriate advertising campaigns when it comes to trying to garner attention for the Emmys, this year the Fox series took on a parody of the HBO hit Girls.

In reference to a previous Girls ad, Peter Griffin and company squeeze together on a too small sofa and pose like Lena Dunham's Hannah, Marnie, Jessa, and Shoshanna. However, it's the tagline Seth MacFarlane's crew decided to attach that is the real kicker.

"Here's a load of comedy to shoot on your chest," reads the advert.

For those that don't pay attention to the HBO comedy, the reference may seem confusing. However, most will recognize it as a throwback to the much-debated Adam Driver sex scene from last season's episode "On All Fours."

You can check out the ad here.

Prior ad campaigns have also pushed social mores to try and help the animated comedy win, including last year's jab at the stereotype that Hollywood is run by the Jewish.

Since Family Guy has already succeeded in getting people talking about their latest spoof, it's safe to say they have at least attracted the attention of at least some Emmy voters.

Family guy