ABC's hit crime series, Castle, continues to garner increasing interest for its upcoming sixth season, which will be kicking off in the fall.

One of the topics that's undoubtedly on the mind of the show's loyalists is whether Beckett (Stana Katic) will end up marrying Castle (Nathan Fillion) or making the move to Washington, D.C.

While fans of Caskett will surely not be too thrilled with her, Katic recently dished to Entertainment Weekly that if Beckett were to leave town, it may serve to broaden the TV series' horizons.

"I think it could be a good change of scenery for the audience. And there are ways of bringing it back together. The show has to evolve. The characters have to evolve ... There's ways of drawing these characters together and also giving each character a featured episode. That would be interesting to me," she said.

Castle and Beckett aside, the actress also gave props to cast members Ryan (Seamus Dever) and Lainie (Tamala Jones), as she'd be keen to learn more about them.

"I love learning more about Detective Ryan and Lainie. I think it's interesting to feature them and their lives sometimes. So you know, it doesn't have to be the Scooby-Doo gang every episode solving a murder. It is important for a show to grow and blossom," she said.

Although no airdate has yet to be made official, all indications point to the show starting up again on either Monday, September 23 or the following week, stated Carter Matt. Be sure to keep checking back for more of the latest details on the popular ABC series.

A fan-made trailer portraying the upcoming season can be watched below.

Castle, ABC, Television