New Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds have come out revealing the MVP winner, the person the MVP nominated and the winner of the Power of Veto Competition.

The following spoilers cover significant details from the upcoming episodes of Big Brother 15 on Sunday and Tuesday.

It was revealed Thursday from the live feeds that Head of Household McCrae Olson nominated Candice Stewart and Jessie Kowalski for eviction. The identity of the first Big Brother MVP has also been revealed. Voted on by America, the first MVP is Elissa Slater, who many of the houseguests suspected would get it since she's the sister of Rachel Reilly, the winner of Big Brother 13.

Part of Elissa's power as MVP is nominating a third person for eviction and she chose to nominate David Girton. David joined Candice and Jessie as nominees and participated in the Power of Veto Competition on Friday, along with McCrae, Elissa and Howard Overby.

Despite the Power of Veto Competition being blacked out from the live feeds, it was revealed by houseguests discussing it afterward that McCrae won the Power of Veto Competition. Live feed watchers confirmed that McCrae said he didn't want to win the Veto since most of the houseguests want Elissa to be put up, who he has a secret alliance with.

The MVP reveal and the POV competition will be aired on CBS Tuesday, July 2 at 9 p.m.

The Have-Not room was revealed on on Friday, showing where some of the unlucky contestants are sleeping. The Have-Not room is set up like a commercial airplane, forcing them to sleep on upright chairs.

"When thinking about one of the most universally uncomfortable places to fall asleep, our frustrations flying coach on a commercial jet came to mind," said Executive Producer Allison Grodner. "Just the idea of trying to sleep a week in seats that barely recline should be bad enough but you never know there could be some turbulence ahead."

See photos of the Have-Not room here.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air on Sunday, June 30 at 8 p.m. on CBS.

Watch the first episode here.

Big Brother 15, Spoilers