Big Brother 15 aired its third episode Tuesday night, featuring the revealing of the first MVP of the season, the third houseguest nominated for eviction, the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Head of Household: McCrae Olson

Nominees: Candice Stewart and Jessie Kowalski

Other houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, David Girton, Elissa Slater, Gina Marie Zimmerman, Helen Kim, Howard Overby, Jeremy McGuire, Judd Daughtery, Kaitlin Barnaby, Nick Uhas and Spencer Clawson

The episode began in the aftermath of the nomination ceremony with both Candice and Jessie voicing their frustration about being nominated by Head of Household McCrae. They both went up to McCrae's HOH room separately to ask why they were nominated. McCrae told Jessie that she was a pawn and told Candice that she was too strong.

Jessie and Jeremy speculated about who the MVP will be, saying that it has to be Elissa Slater, sister of Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly. Their speculation was soon followed by a montage of houseguests coming to the conclusion that it has to be her.

Confirming their suspicions, Elissa entered the diary room and discovered that she did, in fact, win MVP. She then went to tell McCrae about her MVP status and debated between nomination either Nick or David, because of their physical and strategic threats, respectively.

Before picking players for the Veto competition, the houseguests gathered in the living room to see the third nominee. Many were shocked to see that it was David. Along with nominees Candice, Jessie and David and HOH McCrae, Elissa and Howard were randomly selected to play in the Veto competition.

David expressed shock at being put up on the block and said he can't trust anyone including Aaryn, much to her surprise. The pair had a minor altercation in which Aaryn told David that he didn't understand how dramatic of a situation he was in.

McCrae told Amanda that Elissa was the MVP and Amanda brought Jessie, Jeremy and GinaMarie up to the HOH room to confront Elissa. Elissa repeatedly denied accusations that she was MVP.

The Veto competition involved swimming through honey and batter to find "blueberries" with letters hidden in them. They then had to spell out the longest word they could conceive of with the letter they had in 15 minutes or less. McCrae ended up spelling the longest word, "delivery," and won the Power of Veto competition.

McCrae said in a confessional that he was in a precarious position since he wanted to align with Elissa but the whole house hates her. Nick told him that he shouldn't put her up since they could agree to evict David because of his strength.

Regardless, McCrae took Candice off the block at the Veto ceremony and nominated Elissa in her place. Despite many houseguests being pleased with the decision, McCrae revealed in a confessional that Elissa was not the real target.

The live eviction will air Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS.

Watch Tuesday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15