Big Brother 15 aired its sixth episode Wednesday night featuring the revealing of the second MVP of the season, the third houseguest nominated for eviction, the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Head of Household: Aaryn Gries

Nominees: Elissa Slater & Helen Kim

Other houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Candice Stewart, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Howard Overby, Jeremy McGuire, Jessie Kowalski, Judd Daughtery, Kaitlin Barnaby, McCrae Olson, Nick Uhas and Spencer Clawson

The episode began in the aftermath of the nomination ceremony, in which Aaryn nominated Elissa and Helen for eviction.

Helen had a discussion with Aaryn in the Head of Household room about forming a secret alliance between them. Helen said that if Aaryn managed to kept her in the house this week then she would remember that in the future.

Elissa walked into the Diary Room and discovered an envelope, signifying that she had won MVP for the second straight week. She immediately went to tell Helen and discussed who to put up as a third nomination. They came to the conclusion that Jeremy should be put up and if he won the Power of Veto and took himself off the block, Elissa would then nominate his "showmance" partner, Kaitlin.

The houseguests later convened in the living room to see who the third nominee was and discovered that it was Jeremy. Aaryn, Elissa, Helen and Jeremy were automatically selected to play in the Power of Veto competition while Amanda and Nick were also randomly selected to play.

Elissa made a deal with Nick to ensure that he throws the Veto competition. Nick didn't agree to the deal at first but ultimately came around to it when she said she would put him up if Jeremy won the Veto.

Before the Veto competition, Big Brother all-star/newly pregnant Britney Haynes appeared on the living room screen to preview that the Veto competition would be baby-themed.

The Veto competition involved the participants running to get stuffed animals and balance them on a baby's mobile without having any of them touch the ground. Amanda got off to an early lead but Jeremy managed to pull off the win and secured the Power of Veto.

After the competition, Jeremy had a discussion with Kaitlin about the possibility of her going up on the block in his place. She voiced her paranoia about not having the votes to stay if she were nominated.

Candice talked with Elissa about the possibility of putting up Nick in Jeremy's place since she thinks they're working together. Elissa then went to talk with Nick about who he would vote for and he all but confirmed that he would vote to evict her.

At the Veto ceremony, Jeremy took himself off the block and the houseguests watched the screen to see who Elissa put up as a replacement. Nick was officially put on the block in Jeremy's place.

The live eviction will air Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS.

Watch Wednesday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15