'Big Brother 15' Episode 7 Recap VIDEO: Week 2 Live Eviction Blindside and HOH Results
Big Brother 15 aired its seventh episode Thursday night, featuring the live eviction and the crowning of a new Head of Household.
Head of Household: Aaryn Gries
Nominees: Elissa Slater, Helen Kim & Nick Uhas
The remaining houseguests are, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Candice Stewart, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Howard Overby, Jeremy McGuire, Jessie Kowalski, Judd Daughtery, Kaitlin Barnaby, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson
The episode began in the aftermath of the Veto ceremony, in which Jeremy took himself off the block and Elissa nominated Nick in his place. Nick said that he felt confident that Elissa would be going home, so he wasn't worried.
Amanda and Candice discussed the necessity of getting Nick out, saying it was important to not let the boys get to the end. The discussion soon spread throughout the house with Andy and Jessie on board to vote Nick out.
Nick talked to Howard about the McCrae/Amanda pairing, saying that Amanda might figure out the secret Moving Company alliance between Howard, Jeremy, McCrae Nick and Spencer and call them out. Spencer then had a talk with McCrae directly, which prompted McCrae and Amanda to have a discussion of their own.
Host Julie Chen then introduced a clip concerning Aaryn's racist comments in the house. After many of the houseguests had a discussion about it outside, Amanda went to confront Aaryn about the comments and Aaryn dismissed them without apologizing.
The live voting officially began after Elissa, Helen and Nick gave their speeches. GinaMarie, Howard, Jeremy and Kaitlin voted to evict Elissa while Amanda, Andy, Candice, Jessie, Judd, McCrae and Spencer voted to evict Nick.
Nick became the second person voted out of Big Brother 15 and seemed blindsided by the news. GinaMarie immediately started crying as Nick exited the house. Nick admitted to Chen outside the house that he knew Spencer definitely flipped on them. Chen told him that McCrae flipped on him too, which seemed to surprise him.
Chen introduced the Head of Household competition, which houseguests had prepared for a day earlier with an alarm woke them up and told them to go out to the backyard. They watched as boxes moved down a conveyer belt with different symbols on it. The competition involved the houseguests trying to recall what was and wasn't on the boxes. As the houseguests slowly got eliminated due to wrong answers, it was down to Helen, Howard, Jessie, Kaitlin and McCrae in a tiebreaker question. Everyone got the question right but McCrae so he was eliminated.
In the final tiebreaker question, Helen ended up writing down the number closest to the correct answer and she won the competition.
On Sunday night's episode, Helen will nominate two of her fellow houseguests for eviction. It will air at 8 p.m. on CBS.
Click here to watch Thursday's episode.