After the shocking elimination of Nick Uhas, a lot of drama has gone down on the Big Brother 15 live feeds after Thursday's live show.

Head of Household: Helen Kim

Nominees: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Candice Stewart, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Howard Overby, Jeremy McGuire, Jessie Kowalski, Judd Daugherty, Kaitlin Barnaby, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson

In the wake of Nick's eviction from the Big Brother house and Helen winning the Head of Household competition, there was a lot of tension between the houseguests. Aaryn and Kaitlin talked about being the minorities in the house compared to everyone who voted out Nick earlier that night. They agreed that they had better things to do with their lives than compete against them.

GinaMarie, who admittedly had a crush on Nick, was uncontrollably sobbing for a majority of the night, wearing his left-behind hat and carrying his shorts around the house. Several houseguests tried to comfort her, but she continued to cry anyway. GinaMarie confronted Jessie, telling her that she voted him out because she was jealous of their relationship.

GinaMarie then talked to the majority alliance in the house (Amanda, Andy, Candice, Elissa, Helen, Jessie, McCrae and Spencer) explaining why she was so affected by the vote and essentially said that there were no hard feelings toward those who voted Nick out.

Later, there was an altercation involving Aaryn, GinaMarie and Kaitlin vs. Candice. The trio flipped one of the beds Candice was sleeping in since they had previously discussed how much it smelled bad. Candice confronted them about it to which the trio started acting out African-American stereotypes to her face. Candice was so upset that Howard had to carry her out of the room just to get her away from them.

Watch the fight here:

On Friday, Helen and Elissa talked about who to nominate for eviction this week. They agreed that Jeremy was the main target but did not want to put him up since he had a good chance of winning the Power of Veto and taking himself off the block. They said that Aaryn and Kaitlin would be the best ones to put up for nomination though they worried about Howard and Spencer, since they both lied about who they voted for this week.

Helen ended up nominating Aaryn and Kaitlin anyway and both girls were not surprised. Later, Elissa found out that she had won MVP for the third straight week and weighed her options between putting up Howard, Spencer or Jeremy. It is unknown as of Saturday morning if she has made her nomination.

On Sunday night's episode of Big Brother 15, the show will cover the highlights from Helen's HOH win up to her nominations. It will air at 8 p.m. on CBS.

Big Brother 15