Comic-Con 2013 'Supernatural' Season 9 Spoilers: Fallen Angels, A Human Castiel, The Winchester's Relationship, New Clip
Supernatural fans packed Hall H at this year's San Diego Comic-Con in order to get a glimpse at what season 9 of the sci-fi drama will have in store. The cast and producers of the hit CW show dropped a few hints at what life will be like for the Winchesters and company following the events of season 8.
Clip From Episode 9
The Supernatural panel kicked off with a clip of an upcoming season 9 episode, presumably pulled from "Devil May Care" (episode 2) since it is the only one that has been filmed so far.
Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) enter the Men of Letter's bunker with a captured Crowley (Mark Sheppard). After confronting a disheveled and tired Kevin Tran (Osric Chau), the brothers demand that the King of Hell disclose the names of all earthbound demons and who they are using as meat suits. When Crowley refuses, the Winchester brothers leave him in isolation, according to the Huffington Post live blog.
Heaven and Hell
Executive producer Jeremy Carver explains that following the angels' fall, there will be chaos among heaven's host. Powerless and angry, it appears that multiple factions and multiple agenda will come to light.
"A world of fallen angels is a dirty, bloody, scary and in some ways very human world, and we're really, really excited to explore that," Carver said, according to ScreenFad.
In addition, Carver and the series' writers are looking into the issue of what happens to angels and demons when they die, considering they don't appear to show up in Purgatory.
The Winchester
Sam and Dean have reached a new level in their relationship with each other following the events of last season's "Sacrifice." As Dean pulled his younger brother back from the edge of death and convinced him that nothing, not even all the mistakes Sam has made, would ever make Dean put someone or something before him, the boys paid a high price for keeping Sammy alive.
"The brothers chose each other and their love for each other over the season-long quest. That's left them stronger than ever but has also created a tremendous amount of fall out," Carver said, according to ScreenFad. "All the normal constructs of heaven and hell aren't the same anymore. The King of Hell isn't in residence and heaven isn't running how it's usually ran."
Team Free Will's resident angel has lost his mojo and will be learning to live life as a human. Small, everyday tasks like sating, sleeping, and using the bathroom are all uncharted territory for the fallen seraph.
"It's a remarkable shift for Castiel, because prior to this season he's been equipped with all sorts of powers and capacities that made him a useful tool for the brothers ... now he can pop in and basically fold laundry, so there's a shift in the dynamic there in terms of how he can be utilized at the outset of the season," said Misha Collins, according to Huffington Post.
Bobby Singer
Jeremy Carver did acknowledge that the Winchester's surrogate father figure, played by Jim Beaver, would make a return, but did not divulge details regarding the how or why.
Charlie Bradbery
Felicia Day mad a surprise appearance at the panel, and fans can expect the red-haired geek idol to pop up at some point in season 9.
"Obviously Felicia will be back, we love her, we have big plans for her this year, and she knows we love her," said executive producer Robert Singer, according to the Huffington Post.