The CW's Vampire Diaries continues to gear up for season 5, which will surely feature the likes of the Stefan imprisoned Silas (Paul Wesley), who was taken over by the big bad to end the fourth installment.

While irespresenting TVD over the weekend at San Diego's Comic-Con, Wesley took the opportunity to dish on the challenges he will face playing two different characters moving forward, according to Wet Paint.

"I love it, I love the challenge and I love that Stefan is in the bottom of a lake. I love him but at the same time, you know, I feel like I need a little space from Stefan right now," he said.

The actor said he'll be approaching the task of playing Silas in a total different manner.

"I think he has a lot more fun. I'm going to approach him in a very light way; I'm going to have a lot of fun," Wesley added.

When asked what he thinks Stefan would do the minute he gets free, Wesley gave the following response:

"Get a beer. Smoke a cigarette, not that I endorse that... but it's just like I don't know, I'm curious as to how they are going to write that, what sort of place he would be in psychologically. What if he just gets out and he's like hey, hey guys, I just took a nap, it's all good."

The CW's Vampire Diaries is scheduled to air its fifth season on Thursday, October 10. Its spin-off series, The Originals, will begin season 1 on Tuesday, October 15. Be sure to keep checking back for up-to-date details on the vampire TV series. The show's 2013 Comic-Con panel interview can be watched below.

Vampire diaries, The cw, Television, The vampire diaries