'And Just Like That' the Old Drama is Back! 'Sex and the City' Reboot Revives Old Feud Between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker

If reboots didn't also involve rebooting old drama, why would we even be here?
In light of the Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That (the trailer for which can be seen here), some old tensions have resurfaced. As has been made very publically known, there is no love lost between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker- that is, at least, from Cattrall to SJP.
The two were famously foes during the filming of the series Sex and the City. In 2018, after the passing of Kim Cattrall's brother, Parker reached out, but Cattrall publically shot her down. She posted:
We will never be fully appraised on what happened between the two women; who is in the right, who is in the wrong. However we also don't have to just take their word for what happened. Their co-star for the Sex and the City and upcoming reboot, And Just Like That, Chris Noth spoke to The Guardian, saying:
I have to tell you, I have absolutely no idea what her thinking is, or her emotions...I do know that I'm very close with SJ and [Cattrall's] descriptions of her don't even come close. I liked her, I thought she was marvelous in the show and some people move on for their own reasons. I don't know what hers were. I just wish that whole thing had never happened because it was sad and uncomfortable...I just don't like to see anyone talking down about SJ because she's a target and people can be nasty. I feel very protective of her and I was not happy about that. That's all I'll say about that.

Kim Cattrall will not be in the upcoming reboot of the show. Instead, she is set to appear on a new series titled How I Met Your Father. Both Sarah Jessica Parker and Chris Noth can be seen in the upcoming HBO Max Sex and the City reboot, which premieres on December 9th.