From Andy Cohen to Kanye West: 8 Of the BEST News Bloopers of ALL TIME!

We've all had a moment where we've lost our cool. We have gone on long tirades, losing ourselves in making our points. Most of the time people tend to be pretty good about keeping their rants to themselves. Others have not been so lucky. Several times, throughout the delightfully unexpected course of human history, people have had their rants captured, forever, on screen.
Ah, television: the great humanizer.
Many have fallen victim to an on-camera outburst through the years which, while it may be unfortunate for them, is HILARIOUS for us. Why are they so enjoyable? Well, as Ruth Schmidt says on New Girl:
Here are some of our favorite rants caught on camera through the years!
1. Andy Cohen
Talk about ringing in the new year with a bang! On the CNN New Year's Celebration 2022 broadcast, Andy Cohen came on screen, did a shot with a very professionally composed Anderson Cooper, and went OFF about former Mayor DeBlasio. Anderson tried to get him to tone it back, but Cohen kept on goin'! There are no holds barred in 2022!
2. Alaska Reporter Quits on Air
Quitting your job can be difficult. Quitting your job in the middle of doing your job? Super brave. Quitting your job in the middle of doing your job which happens to be on live television? AMAZING!! This reporter from Alaska decided she had enough, and, in a perfectly captured moment of human honesty, told us all how she really felt.
3. Kanye West
Is Kanye West a reporter? No, but what would a list of weird TV moments be without him? However, Kanye isn't the one in this video that makes us laugh. Kanye is simply doing what Kanye does best: making a point while going a bit off script. It is Mike Myers's look of sheer this-is-not-what-we-had-planned that has us LOLing.
4. Anchor vs. Reporter
This is one of the fiercest battles the world has ever seen. No, it's not a wrestling match. It's a news anchor vs. a reporter. When the anchor feels that reporter did not do a good enough job doing his job, he chimes right in. Suddenly, the gloves are off in a way that screams ONLY IN NEW YORK!
5. Anchor vs. Weatherwoman
While Anchor vs. Reporter may be an all-out brawl, Anchor vs. Weatherwoman is the passive-aggressive show down of the century. One hilarious look at this iconic, long-term battle will have you sitting back and wondering to yourself: who is tha Carol in my life?
6. Bill O'Riley
Honestly, just watch it.
6. Swinging on a Morning Show?
Misunderstandings are part of human nature. We have a lot of words that have multiple meanings. To err is human. However, we tend to hope that these misunderstandings don't happen live on the news. (But then again, we do becasue it keeps life fun!)
7. More Important than The Bachelor!
Fans of The Bachleor are a pretty intense sector of the human population. They do not like when their show is cut off. However, when one weatherman came on with a warning during a broadcast of the dating show and was met with criticism, he went OFF.
It's easy to look at the people outside, reporting on storms and think Wow, I wonder how they do it! It turns out, they might not like it! Angelic Duria tells it like it is, and it is awesome!
The world is filled with bloopers: moments where the facade falls, and on our highly manicured TV screens, we see genuine, human realness. Let's keep laughing everyone!