WE'RE NOT JOKING! Episode 4 of 'The Peacemaker' Starring John Cena Confirms Existence of ANOTHER Joker!

Peacemaker, the television show starring John Cena in the title role, has confirmed the existence of another joker in the DCEU.
This existence was confirmed in episode four of the show, wherein fan theories that Peacemaker exists within the confines of a slightly different timeline than the traditional DCEU. One of the main pieces of evidence in this matter is that, according to the show, Batman does not kill people. We are aware through other Batman timelines that this is not the case, especially because in Zach Snyder's version of the film Batman directly kills many people.
Therefore, in order for both to be cannon, we can infer that Peacemaker is running on a different timeline. Furthermore, that dictates that the Joker that exists in this show is yet another Joker in the DCEU! This Joker is added to the list of the many already in, or strongly rumored to be in, existence including Jared Leto's Suicide Squad Joker, the Justice League Joker, The Flash Joker, The Batman Joker, and, of course, Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. This character is iconic for both its specific characterization and the actors themselves. Jared Leto was known for playing a series of harmless pranks while on set (although, the rumors definitely got out of hand!) We can't wait to see what this new-timeline Joker brings to the DCEU.
Peacemaker aired its first season just last week on January 13th, 2022. Catch up with all of the episodes of this new and incredible series on HBO Max!