Whoopi Goldberg Apologizes Saying 'The Holocaust Was Not About Race' on The View: 'I Stand Corrected'

Well, someone on The View has said something controversial again. This time, however, basically everyone agrees about it, which is actually pretty rare.
On Monday's episode of The View, Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow hosts were discussing the banning of the book Maus by a Tennessee school board last week. Maus is a book about the Holocaust, using fictional mouse characters to tell the story of how a relationship between a father and his son is affected by the Holocaust.
The book was technically banned for depictions of nudity and 'bad langauge.' Goldberg said:
"Personally, I'm shocked because given the story of Maus, I'm surprised that that's what made you uncomfortable - the fact that there was some nudity. It's about the Holocaust - the killing of 6 million people."
Later in the show, however, after discussions of such hot topics as Critical Race Theory, Goldberg circled back to that first topic, and said this:
"If you're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it, because the Holocaust isn't about race. It's not about race. It's about man's inhumanity to man. That's what it's about."
Co-host Ana Navarro corrected her, saying it was "about white supremacy...and going after Jews and gypsies and Roma," but Goldberg doubled down.
"The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let's talk about it for what it is - it's how people treat each other. It's a problem. It doesn't matter if you're Black or white because Black, white, Jews - everybody."
The blowback from these comments was palpable, as her name began trending on Twitter right away. One notable commentor, an 88-year-old Holocaust survivor, even offered to come on the show and have a talk with Goldberg about why she was wrong.
Hi @TheView,
— Lucy Lipiner (@LucyLipiner) February 1, 2022
I am a Holocaust survivor in NYC. I might be 88-years-old but I have the energy to come on your show and talk to @WhoopiGoldberg and all the girls about the Holocaust.
I think we can have a meaningful conversation together and heal wounds. DM me!
Lucy pic.twitter.com/B7p9yFYQ3J
It seems that won't be necessary, however, because after the show Goldberg herself tweeted an apology for what she said:
The comment confirms that she really does listen to what people say to her on Twitter. One key part of the message read:
"As Jonathan Greenblatt from the Anti-Defamation League shared: 'The Holocaust was about the Nazi's systematic annihilation of the Jewish people - who they deemed to be an inferior race.' I stand corrected."
(It's also worth noting that, along with Jews and Roma, gay people were also targeted and killed - the pink triangle patch was specially made for 'homosexuals.')
It's a nice reminder that there really are some people out there who are willing to admit to mistakes and learn - we are sure Goldberg will be more careful with such comments in the future.