Baby Malcolm Mulaney Did Great On The Cross Country Flight To See Dad John Mulaney On SNL - Is He Going On Tour, Too?

Baby Malcolm, the brand-new son of comedian John Mulaney and actress Olivia Munn, was a major hit backstage at SNL last week - as evidenced by the photos that Mulaney recently posted to his instagram.
But, of course, in order to get the twelve-week-old to New York from LA, where they currently live, they had to fly - and as anybody who has ever flown on a plane before knows, babies and planes usually don't mix.
But they managed - Olivia Munn's instagram post on the matter didn't specify how he was on the plane, but the fact that she didn't have anything to say about it is probably more a good sign than a bad one.
Of course, this doesn't end when the plane ride does - as any new parent will tell you, getting a baby to sleep on a regular schedule is a major goal in their first months of life, and jet-lag and a three hour time difference don't exactly vibe with that goal.
You can see them using every tool in their arsenal to get little Malcolm to stop fussing in the video Munn posted to Insta yesterday - you can even hear Mulaney in the background making constang shushing noises to try to soothe him.
We hope it worked, for both of their sakes.
We have to wonder if this little cross-country trip, aside from being a great opportunity for Mulaney to introduce Malcolm to some of his friends from New York, was also a test to see how feasible it would be for Munn and Malcolm to join Mulaney on his upcoming comedy tour - he'll be performing his new stand-up special, From Scratch, at theaters across the country, beginning next Friday and extending through the summer to the end of September.
It would likely be difficult to travel with a baby for all that time, but it would also be difficult for the new dad to be away from his son for so long so early in his life. It's a tough call, so we genuinely hope they have a system that works out for everyone involved. (But also, we kinda really want him to bring the baby onstage. Just a little. He's so cute!!!)