Looking Like the Most TEMPTING Season Yet!! The Newest Season of 'Temptation Island' is On Its Way! Meet the Cast!

Temptation Island is coming back for a new season full of suspicion, intrigue, and incredibly weird trust building exercises.

The reality series features four couples on their journey to Temptation Island: a place where boyfriend and girlfriend are seperated from each other to join a group of alarmingly attractive single people that desperately want them to oust them from their current relationship. Imagine a Greek myth with fewer sirens and more Sex on the Beaches (in every sense of the phrase).

The main couples for this intriguing season are Ashley Rodriguez and Lascelles Lagares, Iris Jaridel and Luke Wechselberger, Gillian Lieberman and Edgar De Santiago, and Ash Lamiroult and Hania Stocker.

The tempting singles for the season includeAlexa Coppola, Brianna Hile, Emily Berkun, Karyna Auletta, Kryslyn Renee, Madelyn Rusinyak, Marissa Rodriguez, Meghan Pilkington, Olivia Chapman, Paige Whisenant, Reilly Moeller, Trace Winningham, Andrew Kujawski, Blake Blumenshine, Brian Gajeski, Evan Favors, George Maxey, James Patterson, Mike Melnick, Mike Pedro, Orazio "Ray Rock" Iannacone, Taylor Patrick, Tevin Lopez, and Tommy Soltis.
We are sure this will turn out to be yet another season of romantic drama, and we can't wait! From the sneak peak above, we know that things on this show are going to escalate quickly. If there is anything that Temptation Island is absolutely expert at, it's turing up the heat on couples and forcing them to confront one grave reality of their situation: yes, it turns out that the could cheat on their partner. The question the show will answer is will they? We will just have to wait and see!

This season of Temptation Island comes out on March 16th on USA Network.