Big Brother 15 aired its seventeenth episode Sunday night, featuring the Head of Household competition and their nominations for eviction.

Houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Candice Stewart, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Helen Kim, Jessie Kowalski, Judd Daugherty, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

The episode began in the midst of Thursday's Head of Household competition. Candice explained in the Diary Room how hard it was watching Howard get evicted moments earlier. The HOH competition involved the houseguests walking on a log while holding onto handles in front of them. Spencer, Candice and Helen were among the first houseguests eliminated from the competition.

Since they were the first three eliminated, they had to choose between three mystery boxes. Spencer got the punishment of having to talk through a megaphone until the nomination ceremony. Candice got a reward of $5,000. Helen won the opportunity to host an exclusive barbecue in the backyard.

The competition ultimately came down to GinaMarie and McCrae as they tried to bargain with each other to get the other one to drop. Neither houseguest gave in. McCrae ultimately wound up slipping, making GinaMarie the official Head of Household for week 6.

Aaryn and GinaMarie agreed to target Candice this week because of their personal problems with her and decided that Spencer should be the second nominee.

Next, Helen and Jessie talked about who Helen could invite to the barbecue. Helen suggested Aaryn, which Jessie didn't like, since Aaryn hasn't been loyal to their alliance at all.

Jessie then complained to Amanda about Aaryn being invited to the barbecue and Amanda asked her why she cared so much. The conversation then parlayed into a fight between Amanda and Jessie.

Amanda confronting Jessie, asking why she tried to turn the house against her last week in an attempt to get her out. Since Helen is part of Amanda's alliance, Amanda asked Jessie why she would be upset about Helen not inviting her to a barbecue if Jessie willingly went against their alliance.

Jessie told her that the proposition to get Amanda out was brought to her, not something she came up with. After arguing back and forth, Jessie stormed into the Diary Room.

Later that night, Amanda confronted Jessie again, this time in the backyard. Things got personal as Amanda accused Jessie of having no one in the game while Amanda had a whole alliance. They soon began calling each other names and cursing each other out.

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Amanda Fights with Candice & Jessie

After the confrontation, McCrae and Amanda had a spat in which McCrae told her to stop putting a target on her back with all of these fights. McCrae told her that her getting in fights puts a target on his back too, since he's associated with her.

At the nomination ceremony, GinaMarie nominated Candice and Jessie for eviction. GinaMarie told Candice that she was a "tattletale" and told Jessie that she was a "flip-flopper."

Big Brother 15 will air its next episode Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the third nomination reveal, the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Watch Sunday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15