Honey Boo Boo's father is currently undergoing a battery of medical tests in Florida.

Patriarch Mike Thompson, also known as Sugar Bear, suffered a series of medical complications during the last year and doctors are now looking to neurological tests for answers. The reality TV family left their Georgia home on Sunday in order to journey to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla.

"Well everyone plz keep sugarbear in our thought as we r leaving mcintrye to head to Jacksonville to the mayo clinic to see what they will say in the am," Mama June wrote on Honey Boo Boo's (Alana Thompson) Facebook page last Sunday. "We r all nervous to c what will b done with everything will update when we hear something ‪#‎nervous‬ and ‪#‎hoping‬ for the best..."

The tests were sparked by Sugar Bear's Memorial Day weekend emergency room visit, according to E! Online. Following a collapse, Alana's father began to undergo tests in search of a neurological problem.

"Well we r all a lil nervous this am sugarbear is going to the neurologist hope we get a good report," Mama June posted back in June.

The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star is pictured visiting her father in Florida where the will remain for several more days as doctors run more tests.

Honey boo boo