Big Brother 15 aired its 20th episode on Sunday night, featuring the Head of Household competition and the latest nominations for eviction.

House guests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Helen Kim, Jessie Kowalski, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

The episode began before Candice Stewart was evicted from the house at Thursday night's show. Candice and GinaMarie yelled back and forth at each other throughout the live voting and continued until Candice walked out the door.

Next, there was a recap of Aaryn's victory in the Head of Household contest. She nominated Jessie and Spencer, won the Veto and replaced Jessie with Judd Daugherty on the nomination block. The episode showed footage of Judd pleading for his life in the game leading up to the eviction. Many of the other houseguests cried during his pleas but they weren't enough to save him, as he was unanimously evicted form the house.

After the eviction, the houseguests continued to grieve the loss of Judd, though they agreed that it was for the best, because Judd was a threat to win the game.

The houseguests then played the Head of Household competition, which involved rolling a ball through a banana-shaped labyrinth. Andy won the competition, making him the eight Head of Household of the season. After the cotest, Amanda cried to McCrae, complaining that he wouldn't let her come close to winning the competition.

In the HOH room, Andy told Helen that he planned to nominate Jessie and Spencer. Helen countered his plan by telling him to put up Amanda and McCrae to split up their twosome. Helen explained that having both of them in the game decreased the probability of Andy or Helen getting to the end. In the Diary Room, Andy said that Helen doesn't know how loyal he is to Amanda and McCrae.

At the nomination ceremony, Andy nominated Jessie and Spencer for eviction. Andy explained that he made his nominations purely on a strategic level.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Watch Sunday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15