Things have been relatively quiet on the Big Brother live feeds, except for a few fights involving Aaryn vs. GinaMarie and Helen vs. Jessie.

Head of Household: Andy Herren

Nominees: Jessie Kowalski & Spencer Clawson

Other houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Helen Kim and McCrae Olson.

The general consensus in the house is that Jessie should be evicted on Thursday night, and that plan has not changed. The houseguests played in the Power of Veto competition on Saturday, which Andy won. And Andy decided to keep his nominations the same at the Veto ceremony on Monday, meaning either Jessie or Spencer will be evicted on Thursday.

Though many of the houseguests wanted to blindside Jessie on Thursday, Jessie eventually caught wind of their plan. As a result, she decided to go out fighting by trying to pit various houseguests against each other.

First, Jessie started a confrontation about Helen's plan to vote Amanda out last week. Though Helen denied all of Jessie's accusations, Jessie said the only reason Helen didn't go through with it is because she didn't have the votes. This resulted in Helen storming away from the conversation and insisting Jessie was going home on Thursday.

Later that night, Jessie told GinaMarie that Aaryn was talking negatively about certain houseguests. GinaMarie talked to Aaryn about it in the HOH room, and the two got into a heated argument. Aaryn got frustrated that GinaMarie kept bringing it up and eventually stormed out of the room,but GinaMarie followed her and kept arguing with her.

GinaMarie then called a house meeting in the HOH room to clear the air between her and Aaryn. They continued to yell at each other, however, and the argument became redundant. After Jessie left the meeting, Amanda noted that Jessie's plan all along was to pit her fellow houseguests against each other.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS. It will include the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Watch this promo of the next episode here:

Big Brother 15, Spoilers