Big Brother 15 aired its 21st episode on Sunday night, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Head of Household: Andy Herren

Nominees: Jessie Kowalski & Spencer Clawson

Houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Helen Kim and McCrae Olson.

The episode began with the aftermath of the nomination ceremony, in which Andy nominated Jessie and Spencer for eviction. Andy explained in the Diary Room that Jessie was the main target for eviction on Thursday.

In a blatant lie to Jesse, he explained to Jessie after the ceremony that he wanted to keep everything calm in the house and that she wasn't the main target. After the conversation, Aaryn, Amanda, Andy and McCrae solidified a final 4 deal, formulating an alliance called "3 AM."

Helen said there was something strange about Andy's nominations, because she told him to nominate Amanda and McCrae for eviction. Helen talked to Elissa about evicting Amanda and McCrae and Elissa agreed.

Meanwhile, Amanda, Andy and McCrae discussed a plan to evict Helen. Amanda proposed the idea of Andy and McCrae forming a fake final 3 deal with Helen to ensure their safety. McCrae then went to Helen with the proposal, and she was open to the idea.

Next, the houseguests picked players for the Veto competition. Andy, Jessie and Spencer were automatically selected to play, while Amanda, Elissa and Helen were randomly selected.

The houseguests then competed in the Veto contest, which involved counting various things around the backyard. Then they had to reveal their guesses and decide whether or not to "stay" or "fold" depending on the confidence of their answers. Whoever was closest to the number, while announcing they would "stay," would get a movie ticket. Whoever got the most movie tickets won the competition.

Before the contest, Amanda, Andy, Elissa and Helen agreed to a plan in which Helen would stay and they would all fold to ensure that Jessie would not win the competition.

Helen got off to an early start in the competition, winning two movie tickets, but Spencer screwed up their plan by "staying" in one round and guessing the closest number. This eliminated Helen from the competition. Fortunately for them, Andy won the competition in the end.

After the competition, Jessie pitched an idea to Andy to replace her and put up Amanda in her place. She said that the only person who would be upset with him would be McCrae. Meanwhile, Helen told McCrae that they should think about evicting Amanda soon, which McCrae subsequently recounted to Amanda. Amanda said that they would have to take Helen out, after hearing this information.

Ultimately, Andy decided to play it safe and keep his nominations the same. This means that either Jessie or Spencer will be evicted Thursday.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS, featuring the live eviction as well as the next Head of Household competition.

Watch Wednesday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15