Big Brother 15 aired its 22nd episode on Thursday night featuring the live eviction, Head of Household competition and the announcement of a new twist.

Head of Household: Andy Herren

Nominees: Jessie Kowalski & Spencer Clawson

Houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Helen Kim and McCrae Olson.

The episode began in the aftermath of the Veto ceremony, in which Andy chose to keep his nominations (Jessie and Spencer) the same. Though Andy told Jessie that Spencer was the one targeted this week, Jessie suspected that this was not the case. Jessie confronted Andy about it and he denied all of her claims that she was the real target.

In a later conversation Helen blamed Jessie for trying to get Amanda evicted last week. This upset Jessie, since Helen was the one who came to Jessie with the plan. Jessie then confronted her in private and Helen continued to deny it, and he then told Amanda, Andy and McCrae about Helen's plan.

Helen then confronted Jessie about her "lying" and Jessie attempted to explain that she had no recollection of ever coming up with a plan to evict Amanda.

Jessie eavesdropped on a conversation that Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa, Helen and McCrae were having about evicting her. She was hurt by their comments and spoke to GinaMarie and Spencer about it. She told them that she planned to cause trouble through the house, but first Jessie told GinaMarie that Aaryn talked about her behind her back.

GinaMarie talked to Aaryn about Jessie's claim in the HOH room and the two got into a heated argument. Aaryn got frustrated that GinaMarie kept bringing it up and eventually stormed out of the room, but GinaMarie followed her and kept arguing with her. GinaMarie then called a house meeting in the HOH room to clear the air between her and Aaryn.

After the meeting the houseguests participated in the live eviction. Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa, GinaMarie, Helen and McCrae all voted to evict Jessie, making her the eighth person evicted from the Big Brother house. She became the third member of the jury.

The houseguests then participated in the Head of Household competition. Two houseguests faced off against each other in a question-answer competition. Aaryn won the competition, making it her fourth HOH win of the summer.

Host Julie Chen revealed that one of the jurors would be returning to the game next Thursday. Jessie, next week's evicted houseguest, Candice Stewart, and Judd Daugherty will compete in a competition to see who gets to go back into the house. The remaining houseguests are not aware of this yet.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring Aaryn's nominations for eviction.

Watch Thursday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15