On the Big Brother live feeds, Helen has become suspicious of the plan to evict her on Thursday.

Head of Household: Aaryn Gries

Nominees: Helen Kim & Spencer Clawson

Other houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman and McCrae Olson.

Elissa won the Power of Veto in Saturday's competition and would be able to take herself off the nomination block. Helen celebrated Elissa's win, under the assumption that Spencer would be the replacement nominee and would likely be evicted.

Unfortunately for Helen, the majority of the houseguests intend to evict her on Thursday, unbeknownst to her. Head of Household Aaryn told Spencer that she would be nominating him but assured him that there was no way he would be evicted.

On Sunday night, Helen pitched an idea to Aaryn about picking Amanda as the replacement nominee. Aaryn agreed with many of her points, but she went directly to Amanda after their talk and told her about Helen's attempts to get her evicted.

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Aaryn dropped some shocking news on Helen in a later conversation. Aaryn revealed that Andy would not use his vote to save Helen from eviction, despite his claims. Helen was devastated by the news, because she realized she might not have the votes to stay.

At Monday morning's Veto ceremony, Elissa took herself off the block as expected. Aaryn nominated Spencer in her place, making it his fourth nomination in a row.

Though Helen knows that she has Elissa's vote to stay in the house, she has started to lose faith in everyone else. Helen thinks that she might have GinaMarie's vote to stay, as well, but is not certain. Now that she cannot trust Andy anymore, Helen seems to know that she does not have enough votes to stay in the house. Since only three votes are needed now for a majority, Amanda, Andy and McCrae are enough to evict her from the house.

Regardless, Andy and McCrae have continued to keep up with the charade of their fake alliance with Helen by assuring her that they won't vote her out.

As of now, it seems that Helen's days are numbered in the Big Brother house, but with the announcement that one of the jurors will be coming back into the game on Thursday, she may not be gone for long.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 airs Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto competition.

Watch the preview for Wednesday and Thursday's episodes here:

Big Brother 15, Spoilers, Reality TV