Big Brother 15 aired its 24th episode Wednesday night, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Head of Household: Aaryn Gries

Nominees: Elissa Slater & Helen Kim

Houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, GinaMarie Zimmerman, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

The episode began in the aftermath of Aaryn nominating Elissa and Helen for eviction. Helen said she felt safe due to her alliance with Andy and McCrae, not knowing that both guys weren't actually on her side. Helen told Andy to push for Spencer to be put up if either Elissa or Helen won Veto.

The houseguests then picked players for the Power of Veto competition. Aaryn, Elissa and Helen were automatically selected to play while Andy, GinaMarie and Spencer were randomly chosen.

Andy was upset that he was selected to play in the Veto competition, considering Helen expected him to take her off the block if he won the Veto. Since Andy wants Helen gone this week, he voiced his concerns to Amanda, who told him to not throw the Veto. Amanda explained in the Diary Room that Andy had to get his hands dirty at some point.

The houseguests then competed in the Veto competition. The competition involved the players listening to descriptions of evicted houseguests and digging through sawdust to find names. Whoever found their name last would be eliminated in each round would be eliminated.

After GinaMarie was eliminated in the first round, Amanda was delighted to witness Helen get eliminated next. Andy and Aaryn were eliminated next, meaning it was down to Elissa and Spencer for the Veto. Elissa wound up winning the Power of Veto, causing Helen to celebrate.

Amanda informed Elissa after the competition that Helen was definitely going to be evicted on Thursday. Amanda tried to get Elissa on her side by telling her the absolute truth, though Elissa did not take the bait. Elissa implied to Helen that she, Helen, was the real target this week.

Helen then talked to Aaryn about her concerns regarding Amanda. They both agreed that getting Amanda out of the house might be the best move at this point in the game.

Aaryn brought up the incident from the first week involving her and Jeremy drinking an entire bottle of wine away from everyone else. This parlayed into an argument between Aaryn and Amanda. Aaryn confronted Amanda about her condescending tone but Amanda was not interested in listening to anything Aaryn had to say.

At the Veto ceremony, Elissa took herself off the block and Aaryn nominated Spencer in her place. Aaryn explained that she felt backed into a corner and was pressured to nominate Spencer instead of Amanda, who she really wanted to nominate.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS, featuring the live eviction, the surprise return of a jury member to the game and the Head of Household competition.

Watch Wednesday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15