Elissa has nominated two power players on the Big Brother live feeds, causing panic for certain members of the house.

Head of Household: Elissa Slater

Nominees: Aaryn Gries & McCrae Olson

Houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, GinaMarie Zimmerman Judd Daugherty and Spencer Clawson.

Elissa stuck to her guns and nominated Aaryn and McCrae for eviction Friday night. Amanda was upset about the nominations and was going around asking why Elissa didn't nominate GinaMarie alongside Aaryn.

After the nominations, Elissa pulled Judd aside in the HOH room and told her that she has another plan in mind. She explained that she wants Aaryn to be taken off the nomination block depending on who wins the Power of Veto and she wants to nominate Amanda in her place.

Judd agreed with Elissa that Amanda should be evicted Thursday. Elissa then talked to Aaryn about the plan, which Aaryn was very enthused about. Elissa told Aaryn that they had to keep the plan secret from Amanda and McCrae.

Aaryn then told GinaMarie the plan, considering she's her closest ally, which GinaMarie was also thrilled about.

The houseguests then picked players for the Veto competition. Elissa, Aaryn and McCrae were automatically selected to play while Amanda, GinaMarie and Judd were chosen at random.

After they picked players, Elissa and GinaMarie were whispering in the kitchen while Amanda kept walking back and forth throughout the house. This caused Amanda to loudly confront GinaMarie, asking her why she's getting so close to Elissa when she seemed to want her out before this week. GinaMarie defended herself by explaining that they weren't talking about Amanda and that she's bonded with Elissa over personal things.

Watch the fight here:

Later that night, Amanda went up to the HOH room to talk to Elissa about her plans going forward. Amanda said that she was scared that Elissa would nominate her if either Aaryn or McCrae won the Veto and took themselves off. Elissa couldn't stop laughing during Amanda's pleas. She explained to Amanda that the "craziness" of her face was making her laugh.

Watch the discussion here:

With Aaryn, Elissa, GinaMarie and Judd all competing to take Aaryn off the block should any of them win the Veto, the odds are in their favor. The worse case scenario for Elissa's plan is that Amanda wins Veto, pulls McCrae off the block and cannot be nominated since she won the Veto.

The Veto competition will be held on Saturday at some point, so the results should be known soon.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 airs Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring Elissa winning HOH, Judd returning to the game and Elissa's nomination ceremony.

Big Brother 15, Spoilers