Amanda and McCrae tried to make new plans going forward on the Big Brother live feeds, but most of them have been shot down by the other house guests, who are intent on targeting them next week.

Head of Household: Elissa Slater

Nominees: Aaryn Gries & Andy Herren

Other houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, GinaMarie Zimmerman, Judd Daugherty, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson

Aaryn tried to do some campaigning for herself on Tuesday, but it did not go very far. Aaryn told Amanda that Spencer has been saying he wants to target Amanda and McCrae next week. Aaryn argued that she could protect Amanda and McCrae if they voted for her to stay this week.

Amanda discussed the idea of voting out Andy on Thursday with McCrae, who immediately shot down the suggestion. McCrae argued that it would upset the other houseguests too much if they went against Andy, potentially putting the target on him and Amanda next week.

Meanwhile, GinaMarie and Judd met to talk about possible eviction order. They both want to target Amanda and McCrae next. Judd said that he wanted to take McCrae out first since he's more likely to win competitions. They also agreed that if either Amanda or McCrae were to win Head of Household on Thursday, then Elissa's days are numbered.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Amanda Apologizes to Elissa as Aaryn Accepts Her Fate [VIDEO]

Andy and Spencer joined in on their conversation, meaning every member of the new Exterminators alliance was present. Andy voiced his concern that Amanda and McCrae are focused on getting Elissa out next week, and they think Andy has their back. They agreed that they would have to go along with the majority and vote out Elissa if either Amanda or McCrae won HOH.

They realized that they were screwed if Amanda or McCrae won HOH and Elissa won Veto, since one of The Exterminators would be evicted.

Additionally, McCrae approached Andy and Spencer with the possibility of an all-male alliance, but they rejected his plan. Andy suggested that he didn't want to ruffle any more feathers while he was on the nomination block. Assuming McCrae wins HOH on Thursday, Andy and Spencer might bring up the possibility again.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 airs Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 15, Spoilers