Many fans of the CBS hit sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, have been rooting for Raj (Kunal Nayyar) to land a woman for quite some time. However, while that wish came true with the now-departed Lucy (Kate Miccuci), the show's loyalists have seemingly become even more enamored with the fact that the two's chemistry over each of their social difficulties.

Executive producer Steven Molaro was recently queried on whether or not Lucy would again be in the picture with Raj after bailing, and the possibility still seems to exist.

"[The] door was intentionally left wide open [for Kate to return] ... Raj said at the end of Season 6, 'I pushed it too hard. I need to give her some space.' And he's still heartbroken about Lucy and sort of picking up the pieces and trying to move forward... But I love those characters together."

Interestingly enough, Carter Matt reported that another romance for Raj could pose an issue for the overall balance of the program, as it would be strange to see every one of the geeks with significant others.

CBS' The Big Bang Theory is slated to kick off again on Sept. 26. Be sure to keep checking back for more of the latest details on the popular show. Check out the program's 2013 Comic-Con panel below.

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The big bang theory, CBS, Television