'Big Brother 15' Spoilers: Live Feeds Reveal Andy's Nominations for Eviction & Power of Veto Results [VIDEO]
Three Big Brother houseguests may finally fulfill a plan several weeks in the making, according to the live feeds.
Head of Household: Andy Herren
Other houseguests: GinaMarie Zimmerman, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson
Andy won the Head of Household competition on Wednesday's episode, ensuring himself safety for the coming eviction. After the feeds came back Wednesday night, the cameras showed GinaMarie's key in the memory wall, indicating that Andy had nominated McCrae and Spencer for eviction.
The Veto medallion was also hanging on the wall, indicating that the houseguests had already participated in the Power of Veto competition. Based on houseguests' conversations, it became apparent that Andy had won the Veto competition.
McCrae was concerned that he would definitely be getting voted out Thursday, but Spencer assured him otherwise. However, Spencer, Andy and GinaMarie gathered together later that night and agreed that McCrae would be the person evicted on Thursday night's show.
As Head of Household, Andy will not be able to vote and neither will McCrae and Spencer, who Andy will likely keep as the two nominees. This leaves all the power in the hands of GinaMarie who will very likely vote to evict McCrae, sending him to the jury house.
McCrae tried to do some last minute campaigning late Wednesday night. He told Andy that GinaMarie has a good chance of winning at the end, considering most of the jury is female. Andy said he would think about what he would do with his Veto overnight and get back to McCrae in the morning.
Ironically, McCrae did not do any campaigning to GinaMarie, despite her holding all of the power should the nominations stay the same.
Andy, GinaMarie and Spencer agreed to tell McCrae about their Exterminators alliance as a group on Thursday before the live show. Since they are all in agreement that McCrae should be evicted, Andy, GinaMarie and Spencer will be the final three houseguests of Big Brother 15.
Thursday night's episode airs at 9 p.m. on CBS, featuring Andy's nomination ceremony, the Veto competition, the Veto ceremony and the live eviction. Part 1 of the final HOH competition may also be held.