Big Brother 15 is heading into its finale week with one less housemate

McCrae was sent packing at the end of Thursday's episode.

With Andy crowned the winner of the Head of Household competition The Exterminators are still in charge despite their loss of Judd in Wednesday night's show.

As the Eviction Nominations were drawn up, Andy decides to put Spencer on the chopping block alongside McCrae - the person he really wants to see ousted. With Amanda and Elissa already gone, McCrae was the big target in Thursday night's episode.

Andy continued to power through the competition, winning the Power of Veto as well. This puts McCrae into a bit of a panic as he worries he won't make it to the Final Three. He spends a bit of time trying to cajole Andy and Spencer into wanting to keep him around.

However, when it came down to it, Andy decided not to use his Power of Veto. Now that GinaMarie has the only vote, she uses it to evict McCrea and send him to the Jury. However, they first reveal to McCrae who the Exterminators are, a revelation which shocks the housemate.

The reality program wraps up its 15th season next week on CBS. Spencer, Andy, and GinaMarie are in the final three.

Big Brother 15