CBS' hit crime show Criminal Minds ended its eighth season in an untypical matter, as it didn't do its usual by delving into the psych of a criminal on a cliffhanger.

According to International Business Times on Sept. 23, writers have seemingly omitted the "harder blows" in favor of a more optimistic ending, which serves to give more hope for the next season.

Speaking of hope, actress Paget Brewster, who's known for her role as Agent Emily Prentiss on the program, sent out a tweet that could very well indicate she'll be making a return.

Brewster's character was last seen by fans in the seventh season, as she exited the BAU to accept an offer to coordinate the Interpol's London office.

"I sure hope @ Dayne9165 has been keeping my make up hidden in a cupboard for a reason...."

In other Criminal Minds news, it was recently announced that Episode 3 of the upcoming season will be focusing on the fifty-year anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

More On Episode 3, The Final Shot.

The TV series will be launching its ninth season on Wednesday, September 25. Be sure to keep checking back for more of the latest details on the popular TV series. A promo video for episode 1 can be viewed below.

Criminal Minds, CBS, Television