To the excitement of its TV masses, CBS' hit crime series, Criminal Minds, will be kicking off its ninth season on Wednesday, which will include an in-depth backstory on the character of J.J. (A.J. Cook).

According to TV Fanatic, viewers will get to witness what transpired with J.J. during her months of being AWOL in season 6.

Cook spoke to the TV site on Sept. 23 about what lies ahead when the program returns.

"Season 9 is a season about all of our characters. We're looking at this season as a thank-you card to our viewers who've been there sticking with us through the thick and thin. So we're going to take Season 9 to get into the backstories of all our characters," she explained.

The actress also elaborated on the mystery behind her character, which has surely served to pique the interest of the show's fans.

"I think the reason JJ's getting a little more attention is because we really don't know anything about her, and there's so much mystery surround her in general. With her leaving in Season 6 and working for the State Department, everyone wants to know who she is," Cook added.

CBS' Criminal Minds will be launching its ninth season on Wednesday, September 25. Be sure to keep checking back for more of the latest details. A promo video for episode 1 can be viewed below.

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Criminal Minds, CBS, Television