While NBC's hit crime series, Law & Order: SVU, won't exactly be delving into the world of singing competitions, the program will be featuring a case that involves one on an upcoming episode, titled Dissonant Voices.

The respective installment will revolve around a well-known star of a popular singing show, American Diva, being accused of a horrendous crime.

CBS released the following synopsis on the upcoming episode, which is undoubtedly controversial:

"Singing coach Jackie Walker (Billy Porter) is at the height of his career, with a featured role on television's biggest reality show, American Diva, and a steady position teaching music at a prestigious New York City school. When a four-year-old student comes forward with claims of sexual abuse, Detective Rollins (Kelli Giddish) asks the squad to be mindful of Walker's reputation, but Benson's (Mariska Hargitay) investigation uncovers evidence that condemns the popular personality. As the case becomes public, more and more victims come forward, but Walker refuses to come clean."

Judging by the description, it appears as though the squad will have to focus extra hard in order to not approach the famous Walker any different than they would others. While the episode doesn't appear to be based off of any particular real-life circumstance, it will surely be a notable one.

Law & Order: SVU will air Dissonant Voices on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. A preview video for the Oct. 23 episode, October Surprise, can be watched below.

Law And Order SVU, Television, Nbc