New details on the Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013 episode of CBS' hit soap, The Young and The Restless have indeed surfaced. The respective installment will feature Adam going to the roadside memorial, Billy getting a surprise visitor and the late Delia's family and friends bidding farewell to her.

Chloe informs Jill that she's going to give Delia her pony today. They are with Esther and Kevin. However, Michael and Lauren send over their love.

Ashley enters the Abbott house and states that Billy is lost. Summer, Kyle and Abby all join them.

Billy shows up and isn't dressed for Delia's funeral. Reed notices this and tells Billy that there's nothing wrong with being afraid. Billy tells Vikki to go with Reed.

Meanwhile, Adam and Chelsea banter over Connor. Chelsea says that she wants to be there to support Chloe but doesn't want to leave Connor.

Nick, Noah, Victor and Nikki talk about Victoria putting on a strong face for Reed. Victor is shocked when Nikki brings up Vikki feeling guilt. He thinks she's not to be blamed.

Summer hangs around the Newmans at the ranch. She says that she has a place with both of the families. She lets Victor know that she's not only a Newman, but an Abbott as well.

Billy, Reed and Victoria come home. Billy stares at a photo of him and Delia and hears a noise. He opens the door and Dash appears.

CBS' The Young and The Restless airs Mondays thru Fridays at 12:30 p.m. East Standard Time. Be sure to check back daily for more of the latest updates.

The Young and the Restless, Soap Operas, CBS