CBS' The Young and the Restless, returns on Friday with another exciting episode, which will feature Adam and Alex addressing the hit-and-run circumstances surrounding the late Delia, Michael getting himself thrown in the slammer, and Sharon and Nick setting a date.

While at the penthouse, Adam informs Chelsea that he's happy Connor's eyesight is improving. She's curious as to whether he's heard back from his contacts. Adam hasn't and issues a warning to her to not to get Chloe's expectations up.

Meanwhile, Kevin has had it with the police department's efforts. Chloe tells him that he can't keep taking care of her at night because he's tired and his family needs him.

Sharon comes to The Underground where Nick is working on the freezer. He states that he wants to talk about something, querying her about the confession that she was close to making inside the freezer. Sharon says that she did something she regrets and pretends not to recall what she was going to say.

At the prison, Fen tells Lauren that he's trying to stay under the radar. She informs him that Michael will try to help him.

Fen tells Michael that it isn't easy to stay away from him. Womack calls Fen and says "I'll take care of you." Womack transports Fen inside and Michael lets loose and hits the guard.

Lauren meets up with Summer, and the latter says she's upset about Fen dealing drugs and going to jail.

Alex finds Adam at the Athletic club inside the sauna. They go over the odd leads that the former has gotten on the hit-and-run since after an reward was offered.

Lauren gets to the jail and is told that Michael is being taken to the hole. He's taken past her and yells her name.

Alex comes back to the station and Kevin makes a snide comment about him finding a clue. Alex says he actually thinks he really did.

CBS' The Young and the Restless airs Mondays thru Fridays at 12:30 p.m. East Standard Time. Be sure to check back daily for more of the latest updates.

The Young and The Restless - Thursday, November 7, 2013 Recap

The Young and the Restless, CBS, Soap Operas