A Hawaii Five-O preview for its upcoming episode revealed that guest star Nick Jonas will be playing an antagonistic role of a hacker who has remote access to an airborne flight and threatens to destroy it.

The episode, Akanahe, focuses on the difficult relationship between Steve McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) and SWAT captain Lou McGrover (Chi McBride), as the two are forced to team-up to work on a case. The tag line of the preview video stresses on their frustrating dynamic: "They hate each other but to stop these criminals they will have to work together."

"Wherever you go, trouble follows," McGrover tells McGarrett in the clip.

"That's funny coming from you," a miffed McGarrett reponds.

McGrover also blames McGarrett for his "angry disposition." Later on in the clip, Jonas makes his appearance.

"I have control of flight 408 if you don't do what I say I will drop it in the ocean," Jonas' character, who is handcuffed, threatens McGarrett and McGrover.

It was previously revealed that Jonas would be guest starring as a hacker, potentially breaking national security, who gets served a warrant. But judging by the teaser it seems that Jonas' character will be way more dangerous than what had been suggested.

It other Hawaii Five-O news, that Carol Burnett will be guest starring in the show's Thanksgiving episode, which airs on Nov. 22. She will be playing McGarrett's aunt, Deb. A still shot of her appearance on the show features her standing beside McGarrett and her niece, played by Taryn Manning.

The episode featuring Jonas will air Nov. 15 at 9 p.m. E.T.

Watch the preview here:

Hawaii Five-O, Season 4, Nick Jonas